Saturday, October 13, 2018


Write an original hypertext poetry regarding the persona in the poem.


Hiding the pieces of his true self
He is seeing the judgemental eyes of the society
He has been receiving social criticisms
For showing his true feelings and true form.
A man is for a woman
And a woman is for a man, they say
How about we encourage equality
Where a woman is for a woman
And a man is also for a man.
There are also people like him out there
Thirsty for freedom and human rights
Wanting to be accepted and fearing of being rejected.
He wants to live in a place
Where he feels accepted
Not by how the society wants him to be
But what and who he really is.
He wants to be with the people like him
Raising and waving the rainbow flag
He wants to be free,
Free from those criticisms he receives daily
And proudly says to the world,
"Let me tell you one thing straight,
I'm not"

                                                   -Christianne Mae Racca

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