Saturday, October 13, 2018


Give voice to the murdered girl by writing a simple letter that would tell her perspective about the issue as guide:
a. If you are to tell the girl to deliver it, what is your version?
b. Message to the persona himself
c. Message to the society you are in

    Hey, it's me. The girl you murdered!
    I want to tell you the story of my life. Basically why my life ended.
    You were still young when your mother died.As you grow older, you so how your life is. You saw how the people in your community struggle to live every single day.
    You were happy with me. We are one. We enjoyed wearing your mother's dresses. We enjoyed wearing earrings and powder. I felt like queens when we look at the mirror. We are both happy of what we're doing. Until one day , it all changed.
    Everyday , you feel like you are in prison. Your own father was supposed to be your supporter became your punisher. He punished you by drowning you in the metal drum asking you the same question, "Boy or girl?!" Whenever you answered "girl," he puts your head into the drum,drowning you. I witness you suffer. But one thing is certain, I am always inside you.
    But then one day, realization starts to hit you. You stop wearing your mother's dresses and earrings. You decided to stop and give up. Maybe you don't want to be punished anymore. You don't want to be in that metal drum anymore so you left me. You abandoned me in the dark. I was happy with you but that changed. That is how you murdered me!

    Are you happy with your decision? It seems like you like it . But what if you decided not to kill me? You decided to accept me in your life? You changed but you became reckless. You were like your father who is punisher not just to your son but also to your wife. You became an evil husband to her and about father to your children.

    The society is reckless and judgmental. They tell you what to do and tell you what you should be. If you do and follow the things they like, they will judge you. Sometimes, you are forced to fit in in order for society accept you. Please stop this culture. It hurts when someone who is being themselves was being judged and cannot accept by the society. It is the best if you except yourself not minding what others want to you.

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